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    Thursday, August 25, 2005

    The Upcoming Civil War in the USA

    Walter Reed Hospital anti-war protesters.

    This will go down in history alongside 1914 Sarjevo, Pearl Harbor, and 9/11 as a watershed in the history of the World.

    Leftist losers haranguing wounded American Soldiers while they rehab is the final freaking straw.

    OK, Dipshits, Game On!

    I just heard Paul "the forehead " Begala on Hannity lamely trying to justify the unjustifiable regarding the attacks on our soldiers.

    Hey Paulie, you miserable excuse for a human being. I'm googling your ass and I expect to learn significant info regarding your family and loved ones. Despite the fact that you're one of those who are Queer and won't admit it, I'm guessing you have a family. Therefore you won't be happy about me crapping on your whole family on the internet. Kind of like you've been doing to the families of the casualties in Iraq.

    Long story short. If we are indeed in the days running up to the next American Civil War. I'm calling shotgun regarding this twink.

    Sure, I know that a huge number of American Patriots will be first in line to confront the Teddy "the swimmer" Kennedys, the pansies from the New York Times, (Rich, Krugman, Dowd, et al), the white trash Carville, and most especially the fat Band Guy who sold us out to the Chinese, and on and on.

    But here is the deal. I've got nibs on kicking the shit out of the "forehead".

    Wednesday, August 03, 2005

    Random Thoughts

    If Political Correctness was in vogue when FDR was President then 80% of the inmates in the WWII Japanese interrment camps would have been Whites, Blacks, and Hispanics.

    My "gaydar" tells me that Democrat Icons Carville and Begala fall into the category of guys that are gay and don't know it. Although, in Begala's case he probably knows it. Reminds me of a gay Elmer Fudd. Those "wascawwy wepubilicans want to kill us."

    Chris Dodd, Captain Oldsmobiles' drinking companion, says he's going to "keep an eye on John Bolton" at the U.N. Ooooh! "I got my eyes on you Focker". What a dork!

    Speaking of Captain Oldsmobile, is he the greatest endorsement to vote Republican or what. I mean this guy is beautiful. He comes down on the wrong side of every issue. Then he compounds his stupidity by carelessly using vitriol against Conservatives that more aptly can be used to describe him. What a maroon. This guy is the gift that keeps on giving. His political instincts are so savvy that he named his dog Splash. You can't make this stuff up.

    The Gay Agenda is the predominant driving force in the 2005 Democrat Party. It is also the tie that binds the Main Stream Media so closely to the Dems. In order to understand the Libs take on most issues you have to factor in the Gay equation.

    The Clinton legacy continues to grow within the Democrat leadership. Used to be, prior to Slick Willy, that some politicians might engage in hyperbole and slight deception to try and fool the voters regarding their stance on issues. Since Clinton, it now seems the bar has been raised to the level where outright lies are being spewed with abandon by the Dems Leaders. The latest example is from the diminutive one, Howard Dean, the Chairman of the Democrat Party.

    From Townhall.com, Dean;

    "The president and his right-wing Supreme Court think it is 'okay' to have the government take your house if they feel like putting a hotel where your house is," Dean said, not mentioning that until he nominated John Roberts to the Supreme Court this week, Bush had not appointed anyone to the high court.Dean's reference to the "right-wing" court was also erroneous. The four justices who dissented in the Kelo vs. New London case included the three most conservative members of the court - Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Associate Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor was the fourth dissenter.The court's liberal coalition of Justices John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer combined with Justice Anthony Kennedy to form the majority opinion, allowing the city of New London, Conn., to use eminent domain to seize private properties for commercial development.

    This is such an outrageous lie by Dean that it is laughable. Why hasn't the MSM jumped on this disingenuousness by the Chairman of the Democrat Party? Is he that frigging stupid that he thought no one would challenge him on this demonstrably false accusation? Or is this just another example of him assuaging his base. The base who have placed the mainstreaming of the homosexual culture in America above all other issues. Willing to lie about any issue if it might forward their cause. Maybe even willing to jeopardize National Security.

    Friday, July 15, 2005

    The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

    The Dimocrats and their Kool-Aid drinking followers have once again shown their lack of discipline and to a larger extent their incredible stupidity. Every time you think that this Party can't dig a bigger hole for themselves, they prove there's no limit to their ineptitude.

    The latest misadventure involves Karl Rove. Targeting President Bush's top Advisor over "Secret Agent" Plame. Beautiful. Relying on the credibility of the proven Liar Joe Wilson to back up their claims. Priceless. As this soap opera plays out the only people that will go jail or be indicted will be Libs.

    If one sorts out the credible information regarding "Double O" Valerie, the only conclusion that can be reached regarding The Dims and their supporters in the Liberal Media is that these are stunningly stupid people.

    After previous LAME attempts to GET the likes of GWB,Tom Delay, Dick Cheney, Rush Limbaugh, John Bolton, Janice Rogers Brown, and on and on. All using the favorite Lib tactic of the politics of personal destruction.

    And they stepped on their dick in each and every case. As an example, the vendetta against Delay forced the Dims to file new expense reports going back years in an effort to cover their rear ends. Delay is still the Majority Whip. Rather lost his job, etc., etc., and these dipsticks keep coming back for more

    In fact, none of their hatchet jobs has accomplished anything except creating a tremendous backlash against these un American losers.

    Frankly, with this latest salvo against Rove, The Dims, the Liberal Media, and their Move On Moonbat supporters have entered into the Twilight Zone where they are literally a laughing stock for the rest of us. They have zero credibility left.

    They do need to realize though that we're getting tired of this perpetual charade. They need to get on with the business of the country.

    Otherwise there may be a day coming when if we want the Libs opinion, we'll beat it out of them!

    Tuesday, July 12, 2005

    10 Reasons Why The Left Will Fade Away

    To paraphrase Douglas McArthur...

    GWB and the Conservative leadership continually display their class in their refusal to indulge in the guttersnipe name calling that the Left revels in. The latest being Hillary comparing the President to a comic book idiot. I have no such compunctions.

    1. The "Old Media" is dying. Let's face it. The MSM has been carrying water for the Left since WWII and the declining numbers can't be denied. Without the support of the MSM Kerry would have lost by 15 points(Evan Thomas, Newsweek). As this MSM influence wanes, so will Democratic victories.
    2. The incivility of the left will continue to run off supporters. As evidenced most recently by the performances of David Gregory, Terry Moran, and John Roberts at the White House press briefing. These leftist poofs political gesturing served only to highlight why no one pays attention to these "light in the loafers" gasbags.
    3. The gay extremists. It has become patently clear that the Gay Agenda is driving the Democratic Party. These folks are the epitome of single issue fanatics. They are willing to embrace any notion, no matter how un American, as long as it furthers their cause. Their cause being the mainstreaming of homosexuality. It is my contention that the pendulum is about to swing in the other direction on this issue. Brought about mainly because of their brethren at places like the New York Times who have let this gay mania color nearly every article and editorial they print. This type of blatant distortion always brings a backlash. The other reason that this cycle has peaked is that as in every other era, the radicals are dying off and procreation issues will cause a dearth of replacements.
    4. Captain Oldsmobile-aka "the Swimmer", Howard Dean-"the Screamer", Harry Reid-"the Wimp" and "Shrillary-"the pig in a pantsuit" are now the face of the party. Every day we are inundated with these Leaders? ranting about our duly elected President and the Administration. How do you think it plays in Peoria to have Kennedy undermining our Soldiers morale while they are in harms' way?
    5. Rush, Talk Radio, Fox News,and the Blogs. No longer can the Dims out shout the opposition. No longer can they demagogue an issue. No longer can they get away without having a reasoned response. The extreme Idiot media, Krugman comes to mind, must understand that their shelf life is about to expire.
    6. 9/11. The inability of the Left to come to grips with the fact that we are at War with Terror will continue to haunt them. To this day Kerry and the other Libs have not come up with a consistent or coherent stance on this the #1 issue of our time.
    7. The Idiot factor. The Left has managed to snag the vast majority of the Idiot vote. Unfortunately for them, many of these folks are in Hollywood, the Media, or in the Democratic Party. This results in a constant barrage of truly stupid people saying truly stupid things that we all hear about. Cynthia Mckinney, Sean Penn, Dan Rather, Chris Matthews, take your pick. Common sense is un common for many on the left.
    8. The Economy. President Bushs' tax cuts have revived an economy that went South on March 10, 2000, a full 10 months before he took office. Further battered by the events of 9/11, his mentoring it back to health has been nothing short of heroic.
    9. The Religion Factor. The Democrats are wrong on Religion. The fact of the matter is that everytime the ACLU interferes in American life they run off Democrat supporters.
    10. The Number One Reason for Liberals Fading Away. Despite their claims otherwise, it has become apparent to clear thinking Americans that Democrats and their leadership DO NOT SUPPORT OUR MILITARY. They just don't get it. The 60's are long gone. Patriotism is back and thank God for that.

    Friday, July 08, 2005

    The Big Lie

    "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. " - Joseph Goebbels
    It seems that the Democratic Party along with its' fellow travelers in the Main Stream Media and the lunatic Left Wing have become disciples of the Goebbels' "Big Lie Theory."
    The good news is that their employment of this Theory through their dissemination of "Democrat Talking Points" is so lame that it is mainly the subject of ridicule. Ultimately it just exposes their strategy to conceal their Anti-American bias. Rush routinely lampoons their Talking Points through his "montages" that portray the lib politicos and their media hacks parroting the same refrain.
    Unfortunately, their are some Leftist Lies that have been repeated so often that they have gained a measure of credence among some. Let's start with the most ludicrous and demonstrably false Theory that is continually promulgated by the libs.
    • Democrat Bumper Stickers cite "Vote Democrat for a Smarter America" There are various mutations of this theme, i.e. Bush is an idiot, liberals are the intellectual elite, blah, blah, blah.

    The fact of the matter is that on both a macro and micro level the opposite is true. For example, President Bush scored higher than Kerry on the Military GT (IQ) test, had better grades than Kerry at Yale, and graduated with an MBA from Harvard Business School, while Kerry couldn't get into Harvard. But Liberals continue their rant that Bush is an idiot. If Bush is an idiot then what does that make Kerry? Or even better, what does that make Barbra Boxer and Nancy Pelosi?

    Boxer with her phony degree from Brooklyn College. Pelosi with her degree from Trinity College in DC. Yeah, Trinity College recruits the Best and the Brightest. Hey, I didn't even mention that noted Democrat Consultant Barbra Streisand, who Kerry(real name Kohn) met with to solicit her advice during the last campaign is a dropout of Erasmus High in Brooklyn. That's who we want developing our Foreign Policy, these high school dropouts from Brooklyn.

    Not to mention that Hillary and her fellow Dims are currently trying to initiate Federal legislation that would allow Felons to vote. This being a ploy to swell the Democrat voter rolls. Felons are not noted for their intellectual prowess.

    I could go on and on. But why bother.

    "Vote Democrat for A Smarter America"

    Yeah right! If this is the party of the 'intellectual elite" then I'm a Chinese Aviator.

    More Big Lies to Come!


    Random thoughts as Dennis heads our way...

    • Hillary's influence peddling for NYC in lobbying the Olympic vote evidently paid off. It resulted in New York edging out Moscow by one vote as the least desirable venue.
    • "CHESTERTON, Ind. -- A Fourth of July parade float depicting a shackled, bloodied Osama bin Laden has divided some residents between those praising the display as patriotic and others who see it as un-American. The float, which won the prize for most patriotic unit in the northwestern Indiana town's parade, featured a man dressed as Uncle Sam holding a leash that bound the hands of a bearded man in a robe and turban. " Another example of how a few folks offended become many when their view is shared by the liberal media.
    • Impressive performance turned in by institutional investors yesterday when a triple digit decline turned into positive territory on Wall Street. Terrific message to send to the Terrorists. Frankly, it was the Patriotic thing to do.
    • Five actions that were so stupid that the backlash will ultimately overwhelm the perpetrators.
    • Palm Beach State's Attorney going after Rush Limbaugh's Medical Records.
    • Supreme Court Kelo Decision.
    • Senate Band of 14 that temporarily stymied the "Constitutional Option."
    • Durbin's soliloquy on Guantanamo.
    • Chuckie Schumer declaring all out war on President Bush's Supreme Court Nominees.
    • Not sure that all the new "Developer" money that flowed into Florida last year to take advantage of the Hurricane racked residents, reckoned on what looks like it might be another round of the same coming up this year.
    • As suspected, the New York Times is spinning yesterdays' London attacks as proof that critics of Tony Blair's participation in the Iraq War were correct. Just as the English need to get a handle on the anti-Western rhetoric being spewed at many Mosques in their country, we may need to eventually deal with the "Old Gay Lady." Pinch Sulzberger, recently ranked by Bernie Goldberg as in the top 3 of people who are screwing up our country, is a reprehensible excuse for a human being.
    • How about reversing the bumper sticker in '08. Cheney-Bush!
    • Love the fact that the Yankees seem to be getting back on track. A Yankees RedSox pennant chase in August and September adds flavor to one's life. Pedro screwed up by jumping to the Mets. He should be part of this drama.
    • No one I know is talking about any "Hurricane Parties" as Dennis bores in. Learned our lesson last year.

    Thursday, July 07, 2005

    Musings on a day when Al Qaida hits London

    Once again the geopolitical realities of living in a world with Islamofascist Terrorism overwhelm the leftist appeasement sympathizers. CNN claimed early on that the explosions in London were accidental. They realized that another terrorist attack of this magnitude would support President Bush's War and inflict fatal wounds in their efforts to undermine it. So they lied about it until they couldn't get away with it. Unbelievable!

    "We condemn utterly these barbaric attacks," Blair said, speaking on behalf of all the G8 as well as other world leaders gathered in Scotland for a meeting.

    The Terrorist apologists and this includes the Democratic left and a large portion of the Media must understand that continuing to prop up these barbarians will come with a price. Yesterday the price was an election and lost ratings. Today the price will be more universal scorn for their lack of courage and intelligence as they scurry to spin these events to their benefit.

    If I were them I'd want to start looking at what might be in store down the road. General Tommy Franks is on record that if another 9/11 hits the U.S. that he would expect martial law to be implemented.

    In this scenario one would expect that the Markets would crash and that the economic chaos would significantly affect everyone.

    Let's see, violent attack, thousands or more killed, freedoms totally taken away, and economic suicide for the country. Now the majority of clear thinking Americans have supported Bush in the War on Terror. They have moved in droves from the MSM to Rush and Fox News. They just might feel that election losses and dropping ratings might not be enough retribution for the "quislings" amongst us.

    You don't suppose that our Military that has been routinely slandered by these same Terrorist sycophants might be inclined to support that sentiment.

    Well, good luck, libs. As for me, I'm supporting President Bush, our Troops and the War on Terror.

    War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature, and has no chance of being free unless made or kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.
    --John Stuart Mill

    And for our compatriots in London....

    William Shakespeare King Henry V
    Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more, Or close the wall up with our English dead! In peace there's nothing so becomes a man As modest stillness and humility; But when the blast of war blows in our ears, Then imitate the action of the tiger: Stiffen the sinews, summon up the blood.

    Tuesday, July 05, 2005

    Why the MSM are left wing ideologists.

    Geez, what's up with the MSM falling on their sword to protect their '60's philosophy. They have to know that their worn out bullshit regarding "Give Peace a Chance" and "Can't we all get Along" has been filed alongside the recordings of Cheech and Chong as anachronisms of that era.

    I personally could care less if Joe Blow graduated with a M.S. in Journalism from Columbia. The larger picture suggests that today there is a huge disconnect from these Main Stream Media types and the rest of Main Street America.

    Evolutionists remind us that the primary urge of man is survival. So why then would these broadcast and print "journalists" be willing to go against that grain in order to rationalize their prejudice.

    An obvious assumption is that the Left has an inordinate number of acolytes in the Liberal Press that literally have no other alternatives for their anti-American vitriol as well as their personal lifestyle choices.

    For example, picture if you will the following:

    Vietnam '1970- Preparing an Ambush on Rte.1 outside of Dong Ha.

    Captain Howard Fineman regales his Troops to gear up for the upcoming assault. First lieutenant Chrissy Matthews whines that he is scared.

    PFC David Corn along with his platoon mates Joe Conason, Ellis Hennican, and Neil Gabler complain that they don't have any problems with the enemy because they're good guys and rather than ambush them they'd rather get to know them better. They ask if someone can assist them in throwing the grenades as they are quite heavy.

    I know if I was anywhere near that Platoon, I'd be thinking about buying a Cadillac.

    Guess what gang. The fact is that you and your "girlfriends" are losing market share. In High School we called you dipshits. I know, for a moment you thought you'd escaped that.


    "Gitmo" Dick Durbin

    "Gitmo" Dick evidently thinks he has weathered the storm regarding his "reprehensible" comments about our Troops in Wartime.

    His appearance and weasel word serial non apology in front of an Illinois VFW group last week was met with repeated ovations according to the MSM. No word on whether he shed tears.

    He then tried to suggest that his Anti-America diatribe on the Senate floor wasn't really the issue. In fact, it was the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy that were the real culprits in this controversy. Why? Because they had the audacity to actually relay to the American people transcripts and video of his imbecile remarks.

    Hey, we're all used to the moronic platitudes that are continually spouted from the Democratic leadership. From Deans' " I hate Republicans", Reids' calling President Bush " a loser", and anything that comes out of Kennedy's' mouth which half the time is literally unintelligible. Unfortunately, most of these idiotic remarks are massaged by their brethren in the Media and have a short life span in the consciousness of the American voter.

    Not so with Durbins' absurd comparisons that so denigrated our US Military. Also the deafening silence which resonated from his Democrat colleagues in refusing to condemn his comments will not fade away either. Even Hillary, the MSM"s self proclaimed smartest person in the room, blew it on this one.

    All her phony efforts to portray herself as hawkish on National Security as well as her photo ops with the Troops in Iraq went down the drain with her "no comment" on Durbin.

    Virtually everyone agrees that the War on Terror will go on for years. It will be a paramount issue in the '08 elections. Hillary and the Democrats by their silence sided with Durbins' view of our Troops.

    In the next three years we can expect that our Troops will continue to make significant progress in this War and make significant sacrifices as well. Do you honestly think that Americans will forget anyone who sided with this despicable slander of our Troops while they were in harm's way?